ERD Examples


We have a university where a Student enrolls in courses. A Student must be assigned to at least one or more Courses. Each Course is taught by a single Professor. A Professor can deliver only one course.

Step 1: Entity Identification

  • Student

  • Course

  • Professor

Step 2: Relationship Identification

  • Student is assigned a course

  • Professor teaches a course

Step 3: Cardinality Identification

  • A student can be assigned multiple courses

  • A course can be enrolled by multiple students

  • A professor can deliver only one course

Step 4: Identify Attributes

  • Student: StudentId, StudentName, StudentAge

  • Course: CourseID, CourseName

  • Professor: EmployeeId, ProfessorName, EmployeeAge

Note the underlined primary key attribute

Step 5: Create ERD Diagram

MySQL Sample ERD Diagrams

Employee - Department

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