Bit Manipulation

Addition of Two Numbers

public static int add(int a, int b) {
        while (b != 0) {
            int carry = a & b; // Calculate the carry by performing bitwise AND
            a = a ^ b; // Perform bitwise XOR to add the numbers without carry
            b = carry << 1; // Left shift the carry to perform addition with the next bit
        return a;

public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num1 = 2;
        int num2 = 3;
        int sum = add(num1, num2);
        System.out.println("Sum of " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + sum);

The provided code snippet implements binary addition without using the built-in + operator.

  1. Identifying Bits Set to 1:

  • Bitwise AND compares the corresponding bits of a and b.

  • It returns 1 only if the bits in both positions of a and b are 1. Otherwise, it returns 0.

  1. Significance in Carry Calculation:

  • In binary addition, a carry is generated when adding two bits that are both 1 (e.g., 1 + 1 = 10, where 1 is the carry bit).

  • The carry = a & b; line essentially identifies the positions where both a and b have bits set to 1. These positions will generate a carry bit during the addition.


Let's consider a = 5 (binary: 101) and b = 3 (binary: 011).

  • a & b = 001. Here, only the least significant bit (LSB) position has 1s in both a and b, indicating a carry will be generated for this bit position.

  1. Using Carry for Addition:

  • The subsequent line a = a ^ b; performs bitwise XOR (^) on a and b. XOR is 1 only when the corresponding bits are different.

  • This line effectively adds a and b without considering the carry for the current bit position. The carry will be addressed in the next iteration of the loop.

  1. Carry bit is shifted left

These carry bits are then shifted left in the next line (b = carry << 1;) to be added in the subsequent bit positions (next bit position) of a and b.

Swapping the 2 numbers

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int a = 2;
    int b = 3;
    System.out.println("Number before swap: a = " + a + " b = " + b);
    // Logic of XOR operator
    a = a ^ b;
    b = a ^ b;
    a = a ^ b;
    System.out.println("Number after swap: a = " + a + " b = " + b);

Convert Decimal to Binary Conversion

    // Function that convert Decimal to binary 
    public void decToBinary(int n) 
        // Size of an integer is assumed to be 32 bits 
        for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) { 
            int k = n >> i; 
            if ((k & 1) > 0) 

By iterating through each bit position and checking its value using the right shift and bitwise AND operations, the code determines whether each bit in the binary representation of n is 0 or 1.

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