Standard Built-In Interfaces

Details about standard built-in functional interfaces in Java.

Java java.util.function package provides a set of built-in functional interfaces. Let's see some of the most commonly used.

Function<T, R>

  • Description: This interface represents a function that takes one argument of type T and returns a result of type R.

  • Abstract method: R apply(T t)

  • Common Use Cases:

    • Data transformation: Convert one type of data to another (e.g., String to Integer, Integer to String).

    • Calculations: Perform operations on a single value (e.g., squaring a number, finding the absolute value).

  • Example:

Function<String, Integer> stringToInt = str -> Integer.parseInt(str);

String numberString = "10";
int number = stringToInt.apply(numberString); 
// Value of number will be 10


  • Description: This interface represents a function that takes one argument of type T and returns a boolean value (true or false).

  • Abstract method: boolean test(T t)

  • Common Use Cases:

    • Filtering: Select elements from a collection based on a condition.

    • Validation: Check if an object meets specific criteria.

  • Example:

Predicate<Integer> isEven = num -> num % 2 == 0;

List<Integer> numbers = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// Result output: 2 4


  • Description: This interface represents a function that takes one argument of type T but doesn't return a value (void).

  • Abstract method: void accept(T t)

  • Common Use Cases:

    • Performing side effects: Printing to console, logging data, modifying state.

    • Iterating over collections and performing actions on each element.

  • Example:

Consumer<String> printString = str -> System.out.println(str);

printString.accept("Hello, world!"); 
// Result output: Hello, world!


  • Description: This interface represents a function that doesn't take any arguments but returns a value of type T.

  • Abstract method: T get()

  • Common Use Cases:

    • Generating values: Creating new objects, initializing variables with random values.

    • Lazy evaluation: Delaying the creation of a value until it's actually needed.

  • Example:

Supplier<Double> randomDouble = Math::random;

double randomNumber = randomDouble.get();
// Result output: a random double between 0.0 and 1.0

BiFunction, BiConsumer and BiPredicate follow a similar structure as their single-argument counterparts but operate on two arguments.

BiFunction<T, U, R>

  • Description: Represents a function that takes two arguments of type T and U and returns a result of type R.

  • Abstract method: R apply(T t, U u)

  • Common Use Cases:

    • Combining values from two sources: Calculate the sum of two numbers, concatenate two strings.

    • Performing operations on pairs of elements: Comparing two objects based on multiple criteria.

  • Example:

BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Double> calculateArea = (width, height) -> (double) width * height;

int rectangleWidth = 5;
int rectangleHeight = 10;
double area = calculateArea.apply(rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight); 
// Result area will be 50.0

BiConsumer<T, U>

  • Description: Represents a function that takes two arguments of type T and U but doesn't return a value (void).

  • Abstract method: void accept(T t, U u)

  • Common Use Cases:

    • Processing pairs of elements: Modifying two objects based on their relationship.

    • Logging: Logging two values together.

  • Example:

BiConsumer<String, Integer> printPersonInfo = (name, age) -> System.out.println(name + ", " + age);

String personName = "John";
int personAge = 35;

printPersonInfo.accept(personName, personAge); 
// Result output will be John, 35

BiPredicate<T, U>

  • Description: Represents a function that takes two arguments of type T and U and returns a boolean value (true or false).

  • Abstract method: boolean test(T t, U u)

  • Common Use Cases:

    • Conditional logic involving two arguments: Checking if two elements are equal, comparing two objects based on multiple criteria.

    • Filtering based on two conditions: Selecting elements from a collection that satisfy conditions on both attributes.

  • Example:

BiPredicate<String, String> isEqualLength = (str1, str2) -> str1.equals(str2) && str1.length() == str2.length();

String strA = "hello";
String strB = "hello";

boolean areEqual = isEqualLength.test(strA, strB); 
// Result output will be true

IntFunction<R>, LongFunction<R>, DoubleFunction<R> (and their BiFunction counterparts) focus on working with primitive data types as inputs and returning a value of any type.

IntFunction<R>, LongFunction<R>, DoubleFunction<R>

  • Input type: These interfaces take a primitive data type as an argument:

    • IntFunction<R>: Takes an int argument.

    • LongFunction<R>: Takes a long argument.

    • DoubleFunction<R>: Takes a double argument.

  • Return type: They return a value of any type (R).

  • Common Use Cases:

    • Converting primitive values to objects: These functions are useful when you need to create objects based on primitive data values.

    • Performing operations with primitive inputs: You can implement custom logic to operate on primitive data types and return objects as results.

  • Example:

IntFunction<String> intToString = num -> Integer.toString(num);

int number = 123;
String stringNumber = intToString.apply(number); 
// Result output will be "123"

BiFunction<int, U, R>, BiFunction<long, U, R>, BiFunction<double, U, R>

  • BiFunction<int, U, R>: Takes two arguments, an int and one of any type (U), and returns a value of type R.

  • BiFunction<long, U, R>: Takes two arguments, a long and one of any type (U), and returns a value of type R.

  • BiFunction<double, U, R>: Takes two arguments, a double and one of any type (U), and returns a value of type R.

  • Common Use Cases:

    • Converting primitive values to objects: These functions are useful when you need to create objects based on primitive data values.

    • Performing operations with primitive inputs: You can implement custom logic to operate on primitive data types and return objects as results.

  • Example:

// BiFunction example
BiFunction<int, String, String> formatNameAge = (age, name) -> "Name: " + name + ", Age: " + age;

int anotherAge = 25;
String formattedInfo = formatNameAge.apply(anotherAge, "Charlie");
// Result output will be "Name: Charlie, Age: 25"

ToIntFunction<T>, ToLongFunction<T>, ToDoubleFunction<T> and BiFunction counterparts

These interfaces are designed for primitive type conversions and are related to the Function interface. They differ in the following ways:

  • Input type: These interfaces take an argument of any type (T).

  • Return type: They specialize in returning primitive data types:

    • ToIntFunction<T>: Returns an int.

    • ToLongFunction<T>: Returns a long.

    • ToDoubleFunction<T>: Returns a double.

  • BiFunction counterparts:

    • BiToIntFunction<T, U>: Takes two arguments of any type (T, U) and returns an int.

    • BiToLongFunction<T, U>: Takes two arguments of any type (T, U) and returns a long.

    • BiToDoubleFunction<T, U>: Takes two arguments of any type (T, U) and returns a double.

  • Common Use Cases:

    • Primitive stream operations: These functions are commonly used in conjunction with primitive streams (IntStream, LongStream, DoubleStream) to map elements to primitive data types.

    • Custom conversion logic: You can implement custom logic to convert objects of any type to specific primitive data types.

  • Example:

ToIntFunction<String> stringToIntLength = str -> str.length();

String name = "Alice";
int nameLength = stringToIntLength.applyAsInt(name); 
// Result output will be 5

// BiFunction example
BiToIntFunction<String, Integer> nameAndAgeSum = (name, age) -> name.length() + age;

String anotherName = "Bob";
int sum = nameAndAgeSum.applyAsInt(anotherName, 30); 
// Result output will be 33 (length + age)

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