Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

What is Applicant Tracking System (ATS) ?

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a software application used by employers to manage their recruitment process. Here are the key features and functions of an ATS:

  1. Resume Screening:

    • Keyword Matching: ATS scans resumes for keywords related to the job description, such as skills, job titles, and relevant experience.

    • Filtering: It filters out resumes that don't meet the specified criteria, saving time for recruiters.

  2. Job Posting Management:

    • Distribution: Allows employers to post job openings to multiple job boards and social media platforms simultaneously.

    • Tracking: Tracks where the best candidates are coming from, helping to optimize job posting strategies.

  3. Applicant Tracking:

    • Database: Maintains a database of applicants and their resumes for current and future job openings.

    • Status Updates: Tracks the progress of candidates through different stages of the hiring process, from application to interview to offer.

  4. Communication:

    • Automated Emails: Sends automatic emails to candidates acknowledging receipt of their application, updates on their application status, and other communications.

    • Collaboration: Facilitates communication and collaboration among hiring team members by allowing them to share notes and feedback on candidates.

  5. Compliance:

    • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Helps ensure hiring practices comply with EEO regulations by standardizing the recruitment process and maintaining detailed records.

    • Data Security: Manages sensitive candidate information securely, adhering to data protection regulations.

  6. Analytics and Reporting:

    • Metrics: Provides insights into the recruitment process, such as time-to-hire, source of hire, and candidate quality.

    • Reports: Generates reports that help in making data-driven decisions to improve hiring strategies.

  7. Candidate Relationship Management (CRM):

    • Talent Pool: Builds and maintains a pool of potential candidates for future job openings.

    • Engagement: Engages with passive candidates through regular updates, newsletters, and other communication methods.

  8. Integration with Other Tools:

    • HR Software: Integrates with other human resources software, such as payroll and onboarding systems, to streamline the entire HR process.

    • Calendars and Email: Syncs with email and calendar tools to schedule interviews and send reminders.

How to write ATS friendly resume ?

Creating an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) friendly resume is essential for ensuring that application gets noticed by recruiters. Here are some key features and tips for making resume ATS compatible:

  1. Simple Formatting:

    • Use a clean, professional layout with standard fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.

    • Avoid intricate designs, images, charts, or graphics that an ATS might not process correctly.

  2. Keyword Optimization:

    • Use relevant keywords from the job description throughout your resume. These should include skills, job titles, and industry-specific terms.

    • Include both the full term and abbreviations (e.g., "Search Engine Optimization (SEO)").

  3. Clear Section Headings:

    • Use standard headings such as "Work Experience," "Education," "Skills," and "Certifications."

    • Place headings on their own lines to ensure they are easily recognizable by the ATS.

  4. Consistent Formatting:

    • Use bullet points for listing job duties and achievements.

    • Keep dates in a consistent format (e.g., MM/YYYY or Month Year).

  5. Standard Fonts and Font Sizes:

    • Stick to common fonts and use a size between 10 and 12 points.

    • Avoid using headers and footers, as some ATS may not read them.

  6. Contact Information:

    • Place your name, phone number, email address, LinkedIn profile etc. at the top of the resume.

    • Avoid placing contact details in headers or footers.

  7. Work Experience:

    • List jobs in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent position.

    • Include job titles, company names, locations, and dates of employment.

  8. Education:

    • Include your degrees, schools attended, and graduation dates.

    • If you are a recent graduate, place the education section near the top of the resume.

  9. Skills Section:

    • Create a dedicated skills section that lists relevant skills in a simple format.

    • Include both hard and soft skills relevant to the job you are applying for.

  10. File Type:

    • Submit your resume in a format that ATS can read, such as a Word document (.doc or .docx) or a plain text file (.txt).

    • Avoid submitting PDFs unless the job posting specifically requests this format, as some ATS might have difficulty parsing them.

  11. Avoid Tables and Columns:

    • Use simple bullet points and avoid using tables, text boxes, or columns which might not be parsed correctly.

  12. Proper Use of Sections:

    • Ensure each section is clearly defined and separated, making it easy for both ATS and human recruiters to read.

By following these guidelines, resume will be more likely to pass through an ATS successfully and be seen by hiring managers.

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