SQL Operators


SQL operators are symbols or keywords used to perform operations on data. They can be classified into several categories.

Clauses: In SQL, clauses are typically complete statements within a query that define specific parts of its functionality. Examples include SELECT, FROM, WHERE, JOIN, etc. These clauses work together to form the overall query structure.

Operators: Operators are symbols or keywords that perform specific operations on data or expressions within a query. They typically combine values or manipulate data in some way.

Different Operators

Arithmetic Operators:

Used to perform mathematical operations.

  • + (Addition)

  • - (Subtraction)

  • * (Multiplication)

  • / (Division)

  • % (Modulo)


SELECT salary + 1000 AS increased_salary FROM employees;

Comparison Operators:

Used to compare two values.

  • = (Equal to)

  • <> or != (Not equal to)

  • > (Greater than)

  • < (Less than)

  • >= (Greater than or equal to)

  • <= (Less than or equal to)


SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > 50000;

Logical Operators:

Used to combine multiple conditions.

  • AND (Both conditions must be true)

  • OR (At least one condition must be true)

  • NOT (Negates a condition)


SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > 50000 AND department_id = 10;

Bitwise Operators:

Used to perform bitwise operations.

  • & (Bitwise AND)

  • | (Bitwise OR)

  • ^ (Bitwise XOR)


SELECT 5 & 3;  -- Results in 1

Set Operators:

Used to combine the results of two or more queries.

  • UNION (Combines results of two queries and removes duplicates)

  • UNION ALL (Combines results of two queries without removing duplicates)

  • INTERSECT (Returns common results of two queries)

  • MINUS or EXCEPT (Returns results from the first query that are not in the second query)


SELECT name FROM employees
SELECT name FROM managers;

String Operators:

Used to perform operations on strings.

  • || (Concatenation in Oracle and PostgreSQL)

  • + (Concatenation in SQL Server)

  • LIKE (Pattern matching)


SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name AS full_name FROM employees;

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