Custom Interfaces

Details about custom functional interfaces in Java.

Custom functional interfaces are interfaces in Java that extend the functionalities of the built-in functional interfaces (like Function, Predicate, etc.) to fit specific needs within the application. They adhere to the principle of having exactly one abstract method.


  • Improved code organization: Encapsulates specific functionalities, making code more organized and easier to understand.

  • Enhanced reusability: Allows to reuse the same interface for different implementations, promoting code reusability.

  • Flexibility: Enables you to create interfaces that cater to specific needs not directly addressed by the built-in options.


Lets create a custom functional interface class.

public interface StringModifier {
    String modify(String str);

Now, implement the Interface. There are two ways to implement this interface.

  • Using a separate class

public class UppercaseModifier implements StringModifier {

    public String modify(String str) {
        return str.toUpperCase();
  • Using a Lambda Expression

StringModifier lowercaseModifier = str -> str.toLowerCase();

Then use the interface

String originalString = "Hello World!";

// Using separate class implementation
StringModifier uppercaseModifier = new UppercaseModifier();
String uppercaseString = uppercaseModifier.modify(originalString);; 
// Output: HELLO WORLD!

// Using lambda expression
String lowercaseString = lowercaseModifier.modify(originalString);; 
// Output: hello world!

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