Java Versions

List of notable Java features by version, starting from the latest version and going backward. It highlights the significant features introduced in each version of Java, focusing on the most impact.

Java 22 (March 2024)

Scoped Values (Second Preview)

Simplifies sharing of immutable data within and across threads.

Structured Concurrency (Second Preview)

Simplifies concurrent programming.

Stream Gatherers (Preview)

Enhances the Stream API for more flexible data aggregation.

String Templates (Second Preview)

Improves handling of dynamic string content.

Unnamed Variables and Patterns (Preview)

Makes the code cleaner and more readable.

Foreign Function & Memory API

Facilitates interaction with native code and memory.

Multi-File Program Execution

Allows simpler execution of multi-file programs.

Region Pinning for G1

Improves garbage collection efficiency by allowing certain regions to be pinned, preventing them from being moved or collected during garbage collection cycles.

Statements before super(…) (Preview)

Allows statements to execute before a call to super(…) in a constructor, enhancing initialization flexibility.

Class-File API (Preview)

Provides a standardized way to read, write, and transform Java class files programmatically.

Vector API (Seventh Incubator)

Offers advanced SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations for higher performance computing.

Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods (Second Preview)

Simplifies Java programs by allowing the omission of explicit class declarations and enabling shorter syntax for mainmethods.

Java 21 (September 2023)

Virtual Threads

Lightweight threads for high-concurrency applications.

Pattern Matching for switch

Enhances switch statements for complex data

Sequenced Collections

Adds new collection interfaces.

Unnamed Patterns and Variables (Preview)

Simplifies handling of unused variables.

Record Patterns

Allows pattern matching in records.

Scoped Values (Preview)

Improves handling of scoped values in concurrent applications.

String Templates (Preview)

Simplifies dynamic string generation.

Generational ZGC

Enhances Z Garbage Collector.

Structured Concurrency (Preview)

Simplifies concurrent programming.

Foreign Function & Memory API (Third Preview)

Provides mechanisms to call native code and safely access native memory from Java.

Deprecate the Windows 32-bit x86 Port for Removal

Marks the Windows 32-bit x86 port for potential future removal, focusing support on more modern platforms.

Prepare to Disallow the Dynamic Loading of Agents

Prepares the JVM to disallow dynamically loading Java agents into running applications for improved security and stability.

Key Encapsulation Mechanism API

Introduces an API for key encapsulation mechanisms to simplify and secure cryptographic key exchange operations.

Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods (Preview)

Simplifies Java programs by allowing the omission of explicit class declarations and enabling shorter syntax for mainmethods.

Vector API (Sixth Incubator)

Offers advanced SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations for higher performance computing.

Java 20 (March 2023)

Pattern Matching for switch (Fourth Preview)

Refines switch pattern matching.

Scoped Values (Incubator)

Initial introduction of scoped values.

Record Patterns (Second Preview)

Introduces pattern matching in records.

Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Preview)

Enhances interaction with native code and memory.

Virtual Threads (Second Preview)

Refines virtual threads.

Structured Concurrency (Second Incubator)

Simplifies concurrent programming by managing multiple tasks in a structured manner, improving readability and reliability of concurrent code.

Vector API (Fifth Incubator)

Provides advanced SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations, allowing for more efficient data processing and higher performance computing through parallelism.

Java 19 (September 2022)

Virtual Threads (Preview)

Introduces lightweight threads.

Structured Concurrency (Incubator)

Simplifies concurrent programming.

Pattern Matching for switch (Third Preview)

Adds pattern matching to switch.

Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview)

Facilitates native code interaction.

Record Patterns (Preview)

Enhances pattern matching by allowing deconstruction of record types directly in pattern matching constructs, improving code readability and conciseness.

Linux/RISC-V Port

Adds support for the RISC-V instruction set architecture on the Linux operating system, expanding Java's reach to new hardware platforms.

Vector API (Fourth Incubator)

Enhances SIMD programming.

SIMD is short for Single Instruction/Multiple Data, while the term SIMD operations refers to a computing method that enables processing of multiple data with a single instruction.

Java 18 (March 2022)

Simple Web Server

Lightweight web server for testing.

UTF-8 by Default

Sets UTF-8 as the default charset.

Vector API (Third Incubator)

Further SIMD enhancements.

Code Snippets in Java API Documentation

Adds code snippet support.

Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Incubator)

Further refinements for native code interaction.

Deprecate Finalization for Removal

Moves toward removing finalization.

Internet-Address Resolution SPI

Improves address resolution.

Pattern Matching for switch (Second Preview)

Enhances switch statements by allowing patterns to be used directly within the switch, enabling more powerful data-driven logic and reducing boilerplate code.

Java 17 (September 2021, LTS)

Pattern Matching for switch (Preview)

Improves switch statements.

Sealed Classes

Restricts class hierarchies.

Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators

Improves random number generation

New macOS Rendering Pipeline

Enhances macOS graphics.

Foreign Function & Memory API (Incubator)

Initial introduction for native code interaction.

Context-Specific Deserialization Filters

Enhances security for deserialization.

Remove the Experimental AOT and JIT Compiler

Removes GraalVM-based compiler.

Deprecate the Applet API for Removal

Moves toward removing applets.

Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals

Increases encapsulation of internal APIs.

Restore Always-Strict Floating-Point Semantics

Ensures that floating-point operations always adhere to strict IEEE 754 standards, enhancing consistency and predictability.

Remove RMI Activation

Eliminates the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Activation mechanism, simplifying the RMI API and reducing maintenance.

Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal

Marks the Security Manager for future removal, steering developers towards modern security practices.

Vector API (Second Incubator)

Introduces SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations, enabling high-performance data processing through vectorized computations.

macOS/AArch64 Port

Adds support for the Apple Silicon (AArch64) architecture on macOS, enabling Java to run natively on Apple's ARM-based devices, improving performance and compatibility.

Java 16 (March 2021)

Vector API (Incubator)

Introduces SIMD operations for efficient data processing.

Enable C++14 Language Features

Enables the use of C++14 language features in JDK C++ code.

Migrate from Mercurial to Git

Moves the OpenJDK source code repository from Mercurial to Git.

Migrate to GitHub

Transfers the OpenJDK project to GitHub for better collaboration.

ZGC: Concurrent Thread-Stack Processing:

Enhances the Z Garbage Collector with concurrent thread-stack processing.

Unix-Domain Socket Channels

Adds support for Unix-domain socket channels.

Alpine Linux Port

Ports the JDK to Alpine Linux, a lightweight Linux distribution.

Elastic Metaspace

Improves memory management in the Metaspace area.

Windows/AArch64 Port

Adds support for the Windows operating system on AArch64 architecture.

Foreign Linker API (Incubator)

Provides an API to call native code from Java.

Warnings for Value-Based Classes

Issues warnings when value-based classes are misused.

Packaging Tool

Introduces a tool for packaging Java applications.

Foreign-Memory Access API (Third Incubator)

Enhances the API for accessing foreign memory.

Pattern Matching for instanceof

Simplifies type checks by introducing pattern matching.


Introduces a concise syntax for immutable data classes.

Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals by Default

Increases encapsulation of internal APIs to enhance security.

Sealed Classes (Second Preview)

Restricts which classes can extend or implement a class or interface.

Java 15 (September 2020)

Sealed Classes (Preview)

Restricts class hierarchies.

Hidden Classes

Supports dynamically generated classes.

Text Blocks

Enhances multi-line strings.

Foreign-Memory Access API (Second Incubator)

Enhances foreign memory access.

Pattern Matching for instanceof (Second Preview)

Refines type checks.

EdDSA Algorithm

A modern digital signature scheme offering efficient performance and strong security.

Removed Nashorn JavaScript Engine

Deprecated JavaScript engine removed from Java, encouraging alternative implementations.

Reimplement the Legacy DatagramSocket API

Refactored implementation enhancing reliability and performance for network communication.

Records (Second Preview)

Simplified data-centric classes improving code readability and maintainability in Java.

Java 14 (March 2020)

Switch Expressions (Standard)

Enhances switch statements.

Text Blocks (Second Preview)

Adds multi-line string literals.

Records (Preview)

Simplifies data classes.

Pattern Matching for instanceof (Preview)

Adds pattern matching.

Helpful NullPointerExceptions

Improves exception messages.

Packaging Tool (Incubator)

Adds packaging tool.

Foreign-Memory Access API (Incubator)

Initial introduction for foreign memory access.

NUMA-Aware Memory Allocation for G1

Enhances G1 GC performance.

JFR Event Streaming

Enables continuous monitoring and analysis of Java Flight Recorder data in real-time.

Non-Volatile Mapped Byte Buffers

Allows direct access to non-volatile memory, ensuring data persistence across program runs.

Remove the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector

Discontinued CMS to streamline and enhance the performance of Java's garbage collection.

Remove the Pack200 Tools and API

Eliminated outdated compression tools and API, simplifying Java's class file handling.

Java 13 (September 2019)

Text Blocks (Preview)

Introduces multi-line string literals.

Switch Expressions (Preview)

Enhances switch statements.

Reimplement the Legacy Socket API

Improves socket API implementation.

Dynamic CDS Archive

Creates and updates class-data sharing archives dynamically at runtime to improve startup performance.

ZGC: Uncommit Unused Memory

Enhances the Z Garbage Collector to automatically release unused memory back to the operating system.

FileSystems.newFileSystem() Method

Allows creation of a new file system from a given path or URI, enabling advanced file manipulation.

DOM and SAX Factories with Namespace Support

Ensures DOM and SAX parser factories fully support XML namespaces, improving XML processing capabilities.

Java 12 (March 2019)

Switch Expressions (Preview)

Adds new switch syntax.

JVM Constants API

Enhances access to JVM constants.

One AArch64 Port, Not Two

Simplifies ARM 64-bit support.

Collectors.teeing() in Stream API

Combines two collectors to process the same elements in a stream and merge their results.

String API Changes

Introduces new methods for string manipulation

Files.mismatch(Path, Path)

Identifies the first differing byte position between two files, aiding file comparison.

Compact Number Formatting

Formats numbers in a human-readable, concise way based on locale, such as "1K" instead of "1,000".

Support for Unicode 11

Adds support for the latest Unicode standard, enhancing character and emoji handling.

Java 11 (September 2018, LTS)

Dynamic Class-File Constants

Supports new constant-pool entries.

Epsilon: A No-Op Garbage Collector

Adds a no-op GC.

Flight Recorder

Adds lightweight profiling.

HTTP Client (Standard)

Standardizes HTTP client API.

Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters

Enhances lambda syntax.

Nest-Based Access Control

Improves nested class access.

Pattern Matching for instanceof (Preview)

Adds pattern matching.

Remove the Java EE and CORBA Modules

Removes outdated modules.

Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs Without Compilation

Simplifies single-file program execution.

String API Changes

Introduces new methods for string manipulation.


Provides a streamlined way to convert collections to arrays, specifying the array type.

Files.readString() and Files.writeString()

Simplifies reading from and writing to files as strings, enhancing file I/O operations.


Adds a method to check if an Optional is empty, improving code readability and null handling.

Java 10 (March 2018)

Local Variable Type Inference

Introduces the var keyword, allowing local variable types to be inferred by the compiler.

Time-Based Release Versioning

Implements a predictable release cycle with version numbers based on the release date.

Garbage-Collector Interface

Provides a common interface for different garbage collectors, simplifying integration and management.

Parallel Full GC for G1

Enhances the G1 garbage collector with parallel processing for full garbage collection, improving performance.

Heap Allocation on Alternative Memory Devices

Supports allocating Java heap on non-volatile memory devices, enhancing flexibility.

Consolidate the JDK Forest into a Single Repository

Merges multiple repositories into a single one to streamline development and reduce complexity.

Application Class-Data Sharing

Enables sharing of class data among applications to reduce startup time and memory footprint.

Additional Unicode Language-Tag Extensions

Supports more language-tag extensions for better internationalization and localization.

Root Certificates

Provides a default set of root certificates for improved security and trust management.

Experimental Java-Based JIT Compiler

Introduces a Just-In-Time compiler written in Java, known as Graal, for experimental use.

Thread-Local Handshakes

Allows executing a callback on a specific thread without global synchronization, improving thread management.

Remove the Native-Header Generation Tool

Eliminates the javah tool, as its functionality is integrated into javac.

New Added APIs and Options

Introduces new APIs and command-line options to enhance functionality and usability.

Removed APIs and Options

Deprecates and removes obsolete APIs and options to simplify the codebase and encourage modern practices.

Java 9 (September 2017)

Java Platform Module System

Introduces a module system to improve application modularization, encapsulation, and dependency management.

Interface Private Methods

Allows private methods within interfaces to share common code among default and static methods.

HTTP 2 Client

Provides a modern HTTP client API supporting HTTP/2 and WebSocket, replacing the legacy HttpURLConnection.

JShell – REPL Tool

Offers an interactive Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) tool for quickly testing and prototyping Java code.

Platform and JVM Logging

Enhances logging capabilities across the platform and JVM, providing more detailed and configurable logging.

Process API Updates

Adds new methods to the Process API for better control and management of operating system processes.

Collection API Updates

Introduces new utility methods for collections.

Improvements in Stream API

Adds new methods for more versatile stream processing.

Multi-Release JAR Files

Enables JAR files to contain version-specific class files, allowing better compatibility with different Java versions.

@Deprecated Tag Changes

Enhances the @Deprecated annotation to include information about the deprecation reason and replacement.

Stack Walking

Introduces a stack-walking API for more efficient and flexible stack frame traversal and inspection.

Java Docs Updates

Improves Javadoc tool with HTML5 support, search capability, and better overall documentation generation.

Miscellaneous Other Features

Includes various minor enhancements and performance improvements across the Java platform.

Java 8 (March 2014, LTS)

Lambda Expressions

Adds functional programming constructs.

Stream API

Introduces streams for data processing.

Date and Time API

Adds new date/time API.

Nashorn JavaScript Engine

Adds a new JavaScript engine.

Type Annotations

Enhances annotation support on Java Types.

Repeating Annotations

Allows repeating annotations.

Functional interface and default methods

Introduces functional interfaces with a single abstract method, and default methods in interfaces, allowing method implementations within interfaces.


Provides the Optional class to represent potentially absent values, reducing the need for null checks and improving code readability.

Unsigned Integer Arithmetic

Adds support for unsigned integer operations, enabling arithmetic without negative numbers for certain use cases.

Statically-linked JNI libraries

Allows JNI libraries to be statically linked with the JVM, improving performance and deployment simplicity.

Launch JavaFX applications from jar files

Enables direct launching of JavaFX applications packaged in JAR files, simplifying application deployment.

Remove the permanent generation from GC

Eliminates the permanent generation space in the HotSpot garbage collector, replacing it with the metaspace, for better memory management and performance.

Java 7 (July 2011)

Project Coin (Small Language Enhancements)

Adds small language improvements.

Fork/Join Framework

Adds parallel processing framework.

NIO.2 (New I/O)

Enhances I/O capabilities.

String in Switch Statements

Allows strings in switch.

Automatic Resource Management (ARM) Blocks

Adds try-with-resources.

JVM support for dynamic languages

Enhances the JVM with the invokedynamic instruction to better support dynamic languages like Groovy, Scala, and JRuby.

Compressed 64-bit pointers

Introduces compressed object pointers (oops) in 64-bit JVMs to reduce memory footprint and improve performance.

The diamond operator

Simplifies generic instance creation by inferring type parameters from the context, reducing boilerplate code.

Simplified varargs method declaration

Improves varargs method declarations to avoid unchecked warnings and enhance type safety.

Binary integer literals

Allows binary integer literals using the 0b prefix for better readability of binary values in code.

Underscores in numeric literals

Permits underscores in numeric literals for improved readability of large numbers.

Improved exception handling

Adds multi-catch and final rethrow to handle multiple exceptions in a single catch block and rethrow exceptions with more type safety.


Provides a file system change notification API to monitor and respond to file system events like creation, modification, and deletion.

Timsort is used to sort collections and arrays of objects instead of merge sort

Adopts Timsort for sorting collections and arrays of objects, offering better performance in many scenarios.

APIs for the graphics features

Introduces new APIs and enhances existing ones to support advanced graphics features and capabilities.

Support for new network protocols, including SCTP and Sockets Direct Protocol

Adds support for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) and Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP) to expand networking capabilities.

Java 6 (December 2006)

Scripting Language Support

Adds scripting engine API.

Compiler API

Provides access to Java compiler.

Pluggable Annotations Processing API

Enhances annotation processing.

JDBC 4.0

Enhances database connectivity.

Web Services Enhancements

Improves web service support.


Provides a framework for building web services and clients using Java, supporting SOAP and WSDL.

JAXB 2.0 and StAX parser

AXB 2.0 offers a framework for converting Java objects to XML and vice versa, while the StAX parser provides a streaming API for XML processing, enabling efficient, low-level XML reading and writing.

New GC algorithms

Introduces new garbage collection algorithms to improve performance, scalability, and pause-time predictability in memory management.

Java 5 (September 2004)


Adds generic types

Metadata (Annotations)

Introduces annotations


Simplifies primitive/wrapper conversions.

Enumerated Types (Enums)

Adds enums.


Supports variable-length arguments.

Enhanced for Loop

Adds for-each loop.

Concurrency Utilities in java.util.concurrent

Enhances concurrency support.

Static Imports

Allows importing static members (fields and methods) of classes, enabling their direct use without class qualification, thus improving code readability and conciseness.

Java 4 (1.4) (February 2002)


Adds assertion capability.

Regular Expressions

Provides a powerful way to search, manipulate, and validate strings using patterns.

Exception Chaining

Allows exceptions to be nested within each other, providing more detailed information about the root cause of an exception.

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Support

Enhances networking capabilities to support the IPv6 addressing scheme alongside IPv4.

New I/O (NIO)

Introduces a non-blocking I/O API (java.nio package) for performing I/O operations with better scalability and performance.

Logging API

Provides a flexible and configurable logging framework (java.util.logging package) for generating log messages in Java applications.

Image I/O API

Offers support for reading and writing images in various formats, facilitating image processing tasks.

Integrated XML Parser and XSLT Processor (JAXP)

Provides APIs for parsing XML documents (SAX, DOM) and applying XSLT transformations, enabling XML data processing.

Integrated Security and Cryptography Extensions (JCE, JSSE, JAAS)

Enhances Java's security capabilities with the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE), Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) for secure communication, and Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) for authentication and access control.

Java Web Start

Enables launching Java applications directly from the web browser, allowing users to run Java applications with a single click.

Preferences API (java.util.prefs)

Provides a cross-platform solution for storing and retrieving user and system preference and configuration data persistently.

Java 3 (1.3) (May 2000)

HotSpot JVM

A high-performance Java Virtual Machine that uses adaptive optimization techniques, such as just-in-time (JIT) compilation and garbage collection, to improve application performance.

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

Provides a unified interface for accessing various naming and directory services, allowing Java applications to discover and look up data and resources.

Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA)

A comprehensive framework for debugging Java applications, consisting of three layers: the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP), the Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (JVMTI), and the Java Debug Interface (JDI).


A set of APIs for capturing, processing, and playing sound and music, supporting various audio file formats, and enabling developers to incorporate audio features into their applications.

Synthetic proxy classes

Dynamically generated classes that implement one or more interfaces, enabling the creation of proxy objects for handling method invocations, often used in AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) and dynamic proxies.

Java 2 (1.2) (December 1998)

strictfp keyword

Ensures consistent floating-point calculations across different platforms by enforcing strict IEEE 754 compliance.

Swing graphical API

Provides a rich set of GUI components for building desktop applications with a pluggable look-and-feel, including buttons, tables, trees, and more.

Sun’s JVM was equipped with a JIT compiler for the first time

Introduced Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation to convert bytecode to native machine code at runtime, significantly improving execution speed.

Java plug-in

Allows Java applets to run in web browsers, facilitating the deployment of Java applications via the web.

Collections framework

Introduces a unified architecture for handling and manipulating collections of objects, including interfaces, implementations, and algorithms for lists, sets, queues, and maps.

Java 1 (1.1) (January 1996)

AWT Event Model

Defines a robust mechanism for handling user interactions and other events in Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) components, using event listeners and event objects.

Inner Classes

Introduces classes defined within other classes, including member classes, local classes, anonymous classes, and static nested classes, to logically group classes and enhance encapsulation.


Provides a reusable software component model for Java, with conventions for property getters and setters, event handling, and introspection, facilitating the development and integration of modular components.

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

Offers a standard API for connecting and executing queries with relational databases, allowing Java applications to interact with a variety of database management systems.

RMI (Remote Method Invocation)

Enables the invocation of methods on remote objects in different JVMs, supporting distributed computing in Java applications.

Reflection Supported Introspection Only, No Modification at Runtime Was Possible

Initially, Java's reflection API allowed examining the structure of classes and objects (introspection) but did not support runtime modifications.

JIT (Just In Time) Compiler for Windows

Sun's JVM for Windows included a JIT compiler for the first time, enhancing the performance of Java applications by converting bytecode to native code at runtime.

Last updated