Getting and Creating Projects

git init


It is used to create a new Git repository. It sets up all the necessary files and directories that Git needs to track changes to a project.


git init [<directory>]
  • If <directory> is specified, Git will create a new repository in the specified directory.

  • If no directory is specified, it initializes the repository in the current directory.

What It Does

  1. Creates a .git Directory: This directory contains all the repository metadata and configuration files necessary for Git to function, including subdirectories for objects, refs, and template files.

  2. Initializes a New Repository: If you run git init in an existing directory, it will convert that directory into a Git repository without altering any existing files.

  3. Sets Up Initial Branch: It sets up the default branch (commonly named main or master)

  • Running git init is a safe operation; if run in an existing repository, it will not overwrite things that are already there.

  • We can reinitialize an existing repository using git init if necessary; it won’t affect the existing configuration or repository contents.

  • The .git directory is what makes a directory a Git repository. If we delete this directory, we lose all version history.

Common Scenarios

Starting a New Project

This creates a new directory called new-project, changes into that directory, and initializes an empty Git repository.

mkdir new-project
cd new-project
git init

Initializing an Existing Directory

This initializes a Git repository in the existing existing-project directory without changing any existing files.

cd existing-project
git init

Specifying a Directory

This creates a new directory called my-repo and initializes an empty Git repository inside it.

git init my-repo

Post-Initialization Steps

After initializing a Git repository with git init, we typically perform the following steps:

  1. Adding Files:

This stages all the files in the current directory, preparing them to be committed.

git add .
  1. Making the First Commit:

This creates the first commit, which includes all the files added in the previous step.

git commit -m "Initial commit"
  1. Setting Up a Remote Repository (Optional):

If we want to link local repository to a remote repository (e.g., on GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket), we would add a remote repository URL.

git remote add origin

Then push the local commits to the remote repository. Replace main with master if that is the default branch name in the setup.

git push -u origin main

git clone


The git clone command is used to create a copy of an existing Git repository. This is one of the most commonly used commands in Git, allowing to obtain a working copy of a repository that is hosted remotely or locally.


git clone [<options>] <repository> [<directory>]
  • <repository>: The URL or path of the repository to be cloned. This can be a remote repository URL or a local directory path.

  • [<directory>]: The name of the new directory to be created for the cloned repository. If omitted, Git will create a new directory named after the repository.


  • -l or --local: When the repository to clone is on the local machine, this flag will perform a local clone by making hard links, not actual file copies, when possible.

  • --no-hardlinks: Clone without using hard links (default behavior when cloning from a local repository).

  • --shared or -s: Set up a shared clone with the objects directory being shared with the source repository.

  • -q or --quiet: Suppress output during cloning.

  • -v or --verbose: Show detailed output during cloning.

  • --depth <depth>: Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits.

  • --branch <name> or -b <name>: Clone a specific branch.

  • --single-branch: Clone only the history leading to the tip of a single branch, rather than all branches.

  • --recurse-submodules: Initialize all submodules within the clone.

  • --mirror: Clone a repository as a mirror, including all refs.

Remote URL Types: The repository URL can be an HTTPS URL, an SSH URL, a Git protocol URL, or a local file path.

  • HTTPS:

  • SSH:

  • Git: git://

  • Local: /path/to/local/repository

Authentication: When cloning from a private repository, we may need to provide authentication details (username and password for HTTPS, SSH keys for SSH).

Mirroring: Using --mirror is different from a regular clone. It creates a bare repository that is a mirror of the remote repository, including all refs

Basic Examples

Clone a Remote Repository:

git clone

This creates a directory named repository and clones the repository into that directory.

Clone to a Specific Directory:

git clone myproject

This clones the repository into a directory named myproject

Clone a Specific Branch:

git clone -b develop

This clones only the develop branch of the repository.

Create a Shallow Clone:

git clone --depth 1

This creates a shallow clone with only the latest commit history.

Clone with Submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules

This clones the repository and initializes and clones any submodules within it.

Last updated