Pre-Defined Enum

Overview of built-in Enum provided in Java.


It is an enum in the java.time.temporal package in Java, introduced in Java 8 as part of the java.time package for date and time manipulation. It represents units of time, such as days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc., and provides a way to perform date and time arithmetic. ChronoUnit constants can be used along with methods like plus and minus to add or subtract a specified amount of time from a date-time object.

Here are some commonly used ChronoUnit constants:

  • NANOS: Nanoseconds

  • MICROS: Microseconds

  • MILLIS: Milliseconds

  • SECONDS: Seconds

  • MINUTES: Minutes

  • HOURS: Hours

  • DAYS: Days

  • WEEKS: Weeks

  • MONTHS: Months

  • YEARS: Years

  • DECADES: Decades

  • CENTURIES: Centuries

  • MILLENNIA: Millennia

  • ERAS: Eras

ZonedDateTime currentDateTime =;
ZonedDateTime futureDateTime =, ChronoUnit.HOURS);
ZonedDateTime pastDateTime = currentDateTime.minus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS);

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